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Board of Education
Please submit your question by clicking here!
Answers will be posted as they are received.
Didn’t we just have a referendum?
There are two types of referenda school districts use to obtain additional funding.
Operational Referendum: used to support daily operations and maintain current programs, services, and class sizes. The Randall community supported this type of referendum in 2015, 2018 and renewed it again in 2021.
Capital Referendum: allows a district to issue debt (take out a loan) to pay for major facility projects. Much like a home mortgage, a capital referendum is typically financed over 20 years. The Randall community supported this type of referendum in 2018 to add classrooms, a cafeteria and better secure both entrances. These projects were completed on time and within budget.
Will you be hosting any community information sessions prior to April 4th?
Yes, Community Info Sessions are scheduled for:
February 21st at 4:00 PM in the Randall Library
March 21st at 4:00 PM in the Randall Library
What about Grants?
This LRFMP also provides the District a roadmap of needs so that when future grant opportunities become available, the District has a clear list of needs to match with potential grant funding.
Recent grant investments include:
Department of Justice / School Security Grants:
The district applied for, and received, State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice grant funding for security improvements. These investments were utilized for a building-wide security camera system and exterior building security enhancements (purposely vague).
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER):
The district received federal grant money associated with responding to needs associated with impacts of COVID on the school. The district prioritized this investment around the greatest needs in immediate support of students and staff. Mainly focused on technology needs associated with bridging the virtual platform and ensuring every student had virtual access.
What was the process to complete the Long-Range Facility Master Plan?
After receiving proposal responses to a District-issued Request for Proposal, the District shortlisted and interviewed top candidates and ultimately chose GROTH Design Group as architect and CG Schmidt as Construction Manager for this work.
Information gathering included interviews with Staff and the District, and Open Houses took (are taking) place to further engage the community and elicit feedback.
A Community Survey is being delivered to each household, the results of which will inform the final solution proposed.
Transparency is of utmost importance to the District. Information will always be available here on the website, in-person at Open Houses, and/or by contacting District Administrator, Bob Antholine directly 262-537-2211 or rantholine@randall.k12.wi.us
How much does this plan cost per $100,000 on property taxes?
Passing both referendum questions on April 4th, will have no increase on the mill rate (cost for $1,000 of home value). The result of passing these questions is neutral impact.
How do I get more information?
Transparency is of utmost importance to the District. Information will always be available here on the website, in-person at Open Houses, and/or by contacting District Administrator, Bob Antholine directly a Phone or Email